Municipal Watch Campaigns
When municipal government officials fail to honour their core responsibilities of efficient and cost-effective service delivery, they are also failing to honour their oaths of public service – to US, the Canadian citizens, voters and taxpayers who depend on them.
Municipal Watch empowers citizens to speak out.
How We Get Results
First, we track examples municipal waste and inefficiencies in two ways:
- With our own research and investigations
- By collecting examples from you, that you report to us!
Then, we give you the tools to use this grassroots power and influence to create change at the municipal level. The result is municipal governments that know we are watching them and will call them out when they make policies or decisions that are not in our best interest.
Current Municipal Watch List
Is your city or town already on our Municipal Watch List???
Here are a few examples of the kinds of “municipal madness” that we are calling out:
Nixing Natural Gas
“Nanaimo is nixing natural gas as primary heat source in new builds, starting next year. City council voted to accelerate adoption of the zero carbon step code to 2024, 6 years ahead of the province's timeline of 2030.
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